Lessons by IELD Standards

IELD Goal 1

1A: Demonstrate understanding through age-appropriate responses.

1B: Communicate effectively using language appropriate to the situation and audience.

1C: Use language to convey information and ideas.

1D: Speak using conventions of Standard English.

1E: Use increasingly complex phrases, sentences and vocabulary.

IELD Goal 10

10A: Generate questions and processes for answering them.

10B: Organize and describe data and information.

10C: Determine, describe and apply the probabilities of events.

IELD Goal 11

IELD Goal 12

12B: Understand that living things rely on the environment and/or others to live and grow.

12E: Explore concepts and information related to the Earth, including ways to take care of our planet.

IELD Goal 13

IELD Goal 14

14A: Understand what it means to be a member of a group and community.

14B: Understand the structures and functions of the political systems of Illinois, the United States and other nations.

14C: Understand ways groups make choices and decisions.

14D: Understand the role that individuals can play in a group or community.

14E: Understand United States foreign policy as it relates to other nations and international issues.

14F: Understand the development of United States’ political ideas and traditions.

IELD Goal 15

15A: Explore roles in the economic system and workforce.

15B: Explore issues of limited resources in the early childhood environment and world.

15C: Understand that scarcity necessitates choices by producers

15D: Explore concepts about trade as an exchange of goods or services.

15E: Understand the impact of government policies and decisions on production and consumption in the economy.

IELD Goal 16

16A: Explore his or her self and personal history.

16B: Understand the development of significant political events.

16C: Understand the development of economic systems.

16D: Understand Illinois, United States and world social history.

16E: Understand Illinois, United States and world environmental history.

IELD Goal 18

18A: Explore people, their similarities and their differences.

18B: Develop an awareness of self within the context of family.

18C: Understand how social systems form and develop over time.

IELD Goal 2

2A: Demonstrate interest in stories and books.

2B: Recognize key ideas and details in stories.

2C: Recognize concepts of books.

2D: Establish personal connections with books.

IELD Goal 21

21A: Demonstrate individual responsibility during group physical activities.

21B: Demonstrate cooperative skills during structured group physical activity.

IELD Goal 22

22A: Explain the basic principles of health promotion, illness prevention, treatment and safety.

22B: Describe and explain the factors that influence health among individuals, groups and communities.

22C: Explain how the environment can affect health.

IELD Goal 24

24A: Demonstrate procedures for communicating in positive ways, resolving differences and preventing conflict.

24B: Apply decision-making skills related to the protection and promotion of individual health.

24C: Demonstrate skills essential to enhancing health and avoiding dangerous situations.

IELD Goal 26

26A: Understand processes, traditional tools and modern technologies used in the arts.

26B: Understand ways to express meaning through the arts.

IELD Goal 27

27A: Analyze how the arts function in history, society and everyday life.

27B: Understand how the arts shape and reflect history, society and everyday life.

IELD Goal 29

29A: Use the home language to attain benchmarks across all the learning areas and to build upon and develop transferable language and literacy skills.

IELD Goal 3

3A: Recognize key ideas and details in nonfiction text.

3B: Recognize features of nonfiction books.

IELD Goal 30

30A: Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior.

30B: Recognize own uniqueness and personal qualities.

30C: Demonstrate skills related to successful personal and school outcomes.

IELD Goal 31

31A: Develop positive relationships with peers and adults.

31B: Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others.

31C: Demonstrate an ability to prevent, manage and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways.

IELD Goal 32

32A: Begin to consider ethical, safety and societal factors in making decisions.

32B: Apply decision‐making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations.

32C: Contribute to the well‐being of one’s school and community.

IELD Goal 4

4A: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.

4B: Demonstrate an emerging knowledge and understanding of the alphabet.

4C: Demonstrate an emerging understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (phonemes).

4D: Demonstrate emergent phonics and word-analysis skills.

IELD Goal 5

5A: Demonstrate growing interest and abilities in writing.

5B: Use writing to represent ideas and information.

5C: Use writing to research and share knowledge.

IELD Goal 7

7A: Measure objects and quantities using direct comparison methods and nonstandard units.

7B: Begin to make estimates of measurements.

7C: Explore tools used for measurement.

IELD Goal 8

8A: Explore objects and patterns.

8B: Describe and document patterns using symbols.

IELD Goal 9

9A: Recognize, name and match common shapes.

9B: Demonstrate an understanding of location and ordinal position, using appropriate vocabulary.